二、中譯英:請將下面文章譯成英文(20 分)

微型、小型及中型企業在各國經濟發展扮演重要角色。不論就開發中國家或已開發國家,中小企業對提升國內經濟產值或增加就業機會的重要性,皆不容忽視。甚至在研發創新與社會政策層面,中小企業亦是各國 提升經濟動能、維持社會穩定之重要部門。然而觀乎全球市場,於從事國際貿易或投資等跨國商業活動上,大型企業仍占有相當優勢,中小企 業難以與之相抗衡。中小企業面對的問題包括欠缺對國際市場了解、非 關稅障礙、繁瑣的法規及邊境通關程序、貿易融資的機會有限,這些問題皆造成其參與國際貿易的困難。因此,各國紛紛制定有利於中小企業 發展的政策措施,建立協助中小企業貿易之相關國際規範或機制,以促進中小企業融入全球貿易體系。世界貿易組織(WTO)等國際組織亦紛紛尋求在多邊架構下協助會員國提升中小企業參與自由貿易的方式,以幫助中小企業在全球貿易中發揮更積極的作用。

micro-enterprise,small business, medium-sized enterprise play an important role in country’s economic . Medium-sized enterprise can give more economic growth to the country and offer job opportunity. Even in researching and developing field. medium-sized enterprises are also boost economic momentum and maintain social stability.

However, large enterprises still have advantages in global market. Compare to medium-sized enterprise,

large enterprises are better in international trade and cross-country investment. Small business can’t defeat large enterprises in cross-national business activities.

Small and medium enterprises will face many problems in global markets. Such as lacking of experiences in global market, non-tariff barriers, complex law,  Border clearance procedures , limited loan amount. These problems make Small and medium enterprises hard to survive in global market.

Therefore, every government develop policies which can help small and medium enterprises. Establishing international norms for small and medium enterprises in order to help them survive in global trading system. WTO  and other international organization also assist small and medium enterprises participate in free trading so that small and medium enterprises will play a greater role in global trade.