1. Please explain the terms or concepts (20% ):

  1. Infodemic
  2. Disinformation
  3. Virtual reality
  4. Augmented reality
  5. COP27

2. Recent years have witnessed a remarkable development of artificial intelligence (AI). We have seen a wider array of Al applications used in our daily life. Whereas this novel technology certainty creates a lot of possibilities, it also gives rise to some problems that we all need to be concerned about.

(1) What is the Al application that you think is most valuable to you and why?

(2) Please describe two advantages and problems brought about by AI. (3) In what way do you think the development and the use of Al should be regulated? (15%)

3. Taiwan is among the top countries that suffered from the attack of international disinformation attack. Please answer the following questions based on this context.

  1. Please differentiate between disinformation, misinformation, and fake news.
  2. Please describe what the government has been doing in grappling with disinformation and what you think the government can improve.
  3. What can social media platforms and the general public do to reduce the spread of false information? (15%)

4. Online open-source investigation

The credibility of the news media is decreasing, but some scholars argue that online open-source investigation has great potential to build trust between journalism and citizens (Reese & Chen,2022). In 2017, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant based solely on video evidence from social media. The report on gas attacks in Syria by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons relies heavily on images from Google Earth. The Netherlands-based organization Bellingcat came to fame with its investigation of the downing of a Malaysian Airlines flight in 2014.

The New York Times investigates court documents, text messages, and hundreds of videos shows how the rioters coordinated to instigate multiple breaches of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,2021. A more detailed understanding of that event was aided by not only professional news media, but also documented by the participants themselves via social media, and left a lot of incriminating information available online for news media to process, with help of experts, data transparency activists, and citizens.

  1. (10%) Please provide a clear definition of online open-source investigation.
  2. (15%) Is it an alternative practice (i.e., citizen journalism) to professional news media authority? Or is it an emerging network for the hybrid institution of journalism? Please give an example and explain why?

6. Chatbots on social media

Released by OpenAI last December, ChatGPT is suddenly everywhere and tries to, answer questions like a person. It can write essays, come up with scripts for podcast and TV shows, answer math questions, and even write code. Despite the potential benefits, people are worried about what could go wrong with Chatbots. Some even point out that chatbots are a danger to democracy and we need to identify, disqualify and regulate chatbots before they destroy political speech (Susskind, 2022). What do you think?

  1. (10%) What are the pros and cons of Chatbots regarding free speech on social media?
  2. (15%) Do you agree with that we need to identify and regulate chatbots? Do you think we need to treat the speech of chatbots with the same reverence that we treat human speech? Why?

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