一、英譯中(20 分)
Germany will no longer grant promotional loans to China from 2026 and no longer treat China as a developing country, confirmed the Federal Development Ministry of Germany. “China is and remains an important partner, without whom we cannot successfully overcome global crises,” Development Minister Svenja Schulze said. Chinese experts have criticized Germany’s decision, calling it a move that succumbs to pressure from the US’ cold-war mentality toward China. They warn that Germany risks undermining its own economic interests and damaging the investment confidence of European enterprises in China.
二、中譯英(20 分) 根據近日一項調查顯示,有高達七成一的受訪民眾對於創業一事興致勃 勃,其中包括有意願但還在評估的占 52.9%,及已經創業的占 18.1%。 相較於去年的六成二,今年想創業的人更多了;另有 14.8%坦言曾經創 業但已收攤,以及 14.2%無意願創業。調查也發現,想創業的主要原因 有薪水太低想增加收入、以副業開啟斜槓人生、個人興趣專長的發揮、 追求工作與生活平衡、及取得工時的彈性以照顧家人。
三、應用文(20 分) 市長偕同觀光局局長與農業局局長及相關業者甫完成姊妹市澳大利亞 布里斯本的一週參訪與市政考察,請代市長草擬一封致布市市長的感謝 函,感謝市長撥冗陪同,分享市政經驗,並安排了相關業者雙邊會議, 促成觀光交流與農產品貿易。同時邀請布市市長及其團隊明年回訪本 市,以此信開啟後續訪問細節的安排。
四、作文(40 分)
If you can choose a mentor to assist you in your career development, whom will you choose? What are your three reasons for this choice? Please write an essay of about 300 words to answer the question.