一、英譯中:請將下面這段英文譯成正確、流暢的中文(20 分)

Some countries have a large number of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. Others do not have many; for instance, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground vibrates, and houses fall down. What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake?A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best. A steel frame will make it even stronger. The frame holds the different parts together, and the walls do not easily fall. There is less chance of fire because concrete and steel do not burn.

二、中譯英:請將下面這段中文譯成正確、流暢的英文(20 分)

Solar power plants need to deal with one problem. The problem is how to use solar power more efficiently and cheaply. Nowadays, the most common method is solar panels to absorb sunlight on the roof. Then, panels save that electricity in a battery underground. The system’s advantage is that it doesn’t cause pollution. Besides that, the cost of fuel is almost zero.

三、應用文撰寫:請根據下面的說明寫一封英文信(20 分)

臺灣交趾陶(koji pottery)工藝近日受邀在東京都美術館展出,在當地造成轟動,十分成功。請代表你服務的嘉義市立博物館,寫一封英文信給芝加哥藝術博物館,尋求合作展出此一臺灣工藝的機會。

四、英文作文:請根據下面說明寫一篇約 300 字的英文作文(40 分)

Do you agree or disagree with the following saying? “No news is good news.” Please write a well-organized English essay of approximately 300 words to support your answer with reasons and specific examples.

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