
Media regulation is a thoughtful and disputable subject in all liberal democracies. In existing dialogues concerning the Internet’s influence on global democracy, the anticipation of governmental regulation of social media has been proposed as a response to matters such as “hate speech, fake news and conspiracy- mongering”.

  1. How do you define the concept of free speech on the Internet? (20%)
  2. Do you believe content regulations pave the way to a functional reaction to these matters?
  3. How do you think legislative measures on social media will be able to defend democracy against illiberal challenges? (15%)

Please craft persuasive arguments and provide examples to elaborate your discussions.


Influencer marketing has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic as individuals have turned to online channels and platforms to fulfill their needs and spent more time on social media.

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (2018), social media influencers are those who have the potential to create engagement, drive conversation, and/or sell products/services with the intended target audience; these individuals can range from celebrities to more micro-targeted professional or nonprofessional peers.” Social media influencers may engage in activities that serve as a part of persuasive communication and they are assumed to have a strong effect on their followers’ decision making. With regard to the growing phenomenon, please use relevant theories to explain how factors related to the source, message, and audience may impact the efficacy of influencer marketing, (35%). Given the covert nature of influencer marketing, what are the ethical aspects of the tactic that should be addressed? (15%)


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