二、中譯英:請將下面這段中文譯成正確、流暢的英文(30 分)
隨著人工智慧技術的快速發展,智慧財產權在 AI 領域面臨前所未有的 挑戰。AI 與智慧財產權的關係主要體現在 AI 生成內容的著作權歸屬、 AI 訓練數據的合法使用,以及 AI 技術本身的專利保護。這些問題不僅涉及法律,還關乎倫理和創新。
 Artificial intelligence develops rapidly, and intellectual property faces some difficulty. The argument between  AI and intellectual property is to whom the intellectual property belongs. Can technology companies use creators’ content for machine learning? Should AI have a patent or not? These problems are not only related to law but also related to ethics and innovation.
然而,現有的法律框架似乎難以完全應對 AI 帶來的新挑戰。最突出的問題是如何界定 AI 生成內容的原創性和著作權。當一個 AI系統創作出 一幅畫作或一篇文章時,誰應該擁有這些作品的著作權?是 AI 的開發者、使用者,還是 AI本身?這些問題沒有簡單的答案,需要法律界、科技界和社會各界共同探討,以建立適應 AI 時代的新型智慧財產權體系。
Nowadays, our law can’t deal with problems which AI make. The most serious problem is how to define the intellectual property for AI. AI creates the artwork or article. Who has the copyright? Does the copyright belong to developers or users? Perhaps copyright belongs to AI? Nowadays, we don’t have an easy solution for these problems. The court, Technology company and the public should find out the answer. We need to build a system which can balance copyright and AI.

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