一、台灣的傳播研究一直以「大眾傳播」的發展為重,在Covid-19 新冠疫情爆發、全球

安防產業競爭白熱化的階段,是否有新的視野介入,例如關啟「生命/ 生物媒介



(codes)角度切入。媒介哲學家 Eugene Thacker 對於生命/生物媒介的科學、政治、經濟、與文化面向特別有興趣,將「生命媒介」的概念定義為生命與資訊的匯流,當中有諸如遺傳資訊的「媒介論述」與作為「媒介實踐」的基因工程。社會學家與女

性主義者 Patricia Clough 則延伸了生命生物媒介過程的內涵,認為數位化的技術與媒介既介入也重組了生命體的各個面向,無論是認知、情感、或是勞動。諸如鴻海集團為了防止富士康員工自殺所設置的防護視頻監控,或是中國政府的天網工程,都


若要研究生命媒介化的過程(biomediation),長期鑽研障礙研究(disability studies)的

Mack Hagood 提出了統合性的論述框架。首先,他認為我們得釐清這個新領域下的「媒介」與「媒介化」是從什麼樣的技術、科技、興實踐脈絡而來的,也就是「媒介」的再界定與再脈絡化。此外,我們得聚焦及開發生命政治的研究議題,例如健全輿障礙的社會文化經驗、新的公眾群體與身份政治等。最後,相關研究應關注身體/生命知識的新生產,例如每日生活裡的媒介化(如使平板或手機裡的「無障礙功能」設計),或是特定領域的知識工具,如影像、超音波、核磁共振等醫療機構裹普及化的診斷媒介。

二、Covid19 疫情後,很多職業、現象、生活方式、學習方式都與疫情前有所差異,請同


= • The following excerpt is extracted from Vaccari & Chadwick(2020). Please translate to

Chinese (15 ) and describe your thoughts in English using no more than 100 words


Vaccari, C. & Chadwick, A. (2020). Deepfakes and disinformation: Exploring the impact of synthetic political video on deception, uncertainty, and trust in News. Social Media+ Society,

6(1), 1-13

The Rise of Deepfakes

While “photoshopping” still images has long been a mainstay of digital culture, manipulated videos of people now increasingly find their way online. BuzzFeed created its video using increasingly common techniques known as “synthetic media” (Witness, 2018) or “deepfakes.” Relying on machine learning algorithms, software applications create highly convincing “face-graft” videos where the expressions of one person are carefully superimposed onto the head of another (GitHub, 2019a, 2019b). Alternatively, existing recordings of a person’s mouth movements and voice. can be used to reverse engineer their speech to have them say any sentence. The results can be alarmingly convincing, especially with the low-resolution video that is common online.

Political deepfakes are an important product of the Internet’s visual turn. They are at the leading edge of online, video-based disinformation and, if left unchallenged, could have profound implications for journalism, citizen competence, and the quality of democracy (Bennett & Livingston, 2018; Chadwick et al., 2018; Flynn et al., 2017; Rojecki & Meraz, 2016; Waisbord,

2018). The rise of political deepfakes will likely damage online civic culture by contributing to a climate of indeterminacy about truth and falsity that, in turn, diminishes trust in online news.

四、 Please read the two paragraphs below and summarize the main points in Chinese. (20分)

The Chinese government, you see, has been fighting what state news outlets have called a

“masculinity crisis ” for the past few years, with one top official warning that “effeminate” men in popular culture were corrupting “a generation. ” The Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece decreed that young men need to have “toughness and strength, ” and censors have blurred out male

celebrities ‘earrings in television and online appearances.

In a slur-laden directive, television regulators in September banned “sissy men and other abnormal aesthetics” from appearing on television. Then in late November regulators cracked down on celebrities ‘online profiles, their fan groups and advertising, citing “abnormal aesthetics” and threatening to shut down the online accounts of those who failed to fall in line. The stated goal of this campaign is to ensure that China stays on its path toward so-called national rejuvenation –

President Xi Jinping’s plan for the country to regain its standing as a great power.

(cited from Gao, Helen “China’s Ban on ‘Sissy Men ‘Is Bound to

Backfire”, New York Times, December 31, 2021)

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