
1. The disciplinary origins of framing are often traced to macro-level or sociological approaches, and to more micro-level or psychological approaches. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the sociological approach?

  1. Deals with the creation and social negotiation of media frames.
  2. Predicts and explains how individuals can be influenced by exposure to media frames.
  3. Draws heavily from assumptions outlined in attribution theory and frame analysis.
  4. Examines the link between elite communication and the way issues are framed in mass

2. Smartphones have advanced social coordination at the group-level. Compared with individual texting, which of the following is NOT true for group messaging?

  1. Group messaging has a decentralized context.
  2. Group messaging is more transparent.
  3. Group messaging is more efficient.
  4. The volume and flow of group messaging is more manageable.

3. Which one of the following persuasion theories has emphasized the importance of emotion?

  1. Zillmann’s (1999) exemplification theory, which posits that individuals form and maintain beliefs about phenomena based on samplings of direct or indirect experiences.
  2. Dual coding theory (Paivio, 2007), which posits the existence of two mental systems: the verbal and the nonverbal.
  3. The Extended Parallel Processing Model (EPPM of fear appeals (Witte, 1992), which specifies that fear is responsible for instigating defensive reactions to inhibit persuasion.

D. The reasoned action perspective (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), which asserts that behavior is determined by beliefs about its consequences, beliefs about what others do or think, and
beliefs about whether the target is able to execute the behavior.

4. Which of the following theoretical accounts can explain selective exposure to attitude- consistent

  1. Individuals’ interests foster selective exposure to related messages.
  2. Individuals experience tension and discomfort if they encounter information that challenges their preexisting views or behaviors.
  3. Individuals prefer messages that have informational utility to adapt to the environment.
  4. People select messages to optimize their moods.

5. Media priming refers to the effects of the content in the media on people’s later behavior, thoughts, or judgments. The media coverage activated a concept from memory, which makes it more accessible later. Which of the following CANNOT be explained by this theory.

  1. People who play a violent video game are more likely to think aggressive thoughts.
  2. When media predominantly focus on domestic issues, then judgments of how well the president is doing on domestic issues weigh heavier in people’s overall evaluation of the
  3. Participants perceived the women as more dominant after exposure to the stereotypical portravals than after exposure to videos without stereotypical portrayals.
  4. In virtual reality, the appearance of a person’s avatar can influence judgments of the self.


1. 在社群媒體廣泛使用的今天,是否還存在著新閩媒體對社群媒體的議題設定效果?是否有可能反轉成為主要由社群媒體設定新閩媒體的議程?

(1)請簡單描述第一層級和第二層級的議題設定效果 (7%)。




功能比較強?哪些人議題設定能力比較弱?為什麼? 6%)。

2. The observation that assorted digital media can differentially influence social connectedness
processes corroborates notions from social presence theory (SPT; Short et al., 1976). SPT
suggests that digital media vary in their ability to transmit social cues and thereby facilitate social presence through computer-mediated interpersonal communication (for a systematic
review see Oh et al., 2018). Media that are high in social presence (e.g. synchronous and with
more communicative cues) such as video and phone calls are likely better at facilitating social
connectedness because they are closer to face-to- face communication compared to media that
are lower in social presence (e.g. asynchronous and with fewer communicative cues) such as text messaging and email. As such, SPT can help us understand why some digital
communication methods are more likely to facilitate social connectedness than others.
摘錄自:Nguyen, M. H.. Gruber, J., Marler, W., Hunsaker, A., Fuchs, J..& Hargittai, E. (2022).
Staying connected while physically apaii: Digital communication when face-to-face
interactions are limited. New Media & Society, 24(9), 2046-2067.

  1. 請翻譯摘錄的這段文宇(10%
  2. 請以至少一個傳播理論來支持或駁斥 SPT 的論述觀點,並舉疫情影響下的數位傳播媒體使用現象來輔助說明(10%。
  3. 社群媒體已是現代生活很重要的一部分,當使用者越來越習慣於社群媒體上分享訊息,也產生非常多隱私相關的問題。針對社群媒體使用者隱私的研究卻有相互對峙的理論脈絡,其中一派學者持隱私悖論(privacy paradox)的觀點,另一派學者則以隱私計算理論(privacy calculation theory) 為基礎。

(1 請簡單說明兩個理論觀點(10%)

(2) 你贊成從哪一個觀點來解釋現代人對於社群媒體使用以及隱私顧慮之間的關係?請說明原因(10%)。

4. 什麼是”cancel culture’”?請依至少一個傳播相關理論來解釋這個現象 (10%)。

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