

Vehicle door safety manual:

1. 車門由列車長操作,請勿自行開啟車門,或用手、身體或行李阻擋車門關閉。
The train door is operated by the train conductor. Do not open the door yourself. Do not use your hand, body or luggage to block the door.
2. 車門關閉時,若偵測到障礙物或夾到旅客時,車門會暫停關閉並重新打開。
When the door closes, the closing door will pause and reopen if the door clips the obstacle or passenger.
3. 若皮包背帶或衣物等薄物體被車門夾住,請按下旅客緊急對講機通知列車長。
If your backpack, belt, or clothes are clipped by the door, please press the intercom button to communicate with the train conductor.
4. 列車將於所有車門關妥時才會發車,若車門無法正常關閉時,請通知列車組員處理。
The train will operate when all doors are closed. If the door isn’t closed correctly, please communicate with the train attendants.
Other notice :
The clothing hook is on the side of the car.  The hook’s weight limit is 2 kilograms. The dining table is in the backrest. The dining table’s weight limit is 10 kilograms. Don’t exceed the weight limit.
2. 行李應放置於行李架或大型行李間,不得放至於車內走道、車間玄關、車門口及通道 門口等,以免阻礙逃生通道。
Luggage should be put in a luggage rack or put between large luggage. Do not put luggage in aisles, doors’ entrances, doors and train connections to avoid blocking the escape route.
3. 站立時請握住設於椅背或玄關之扶手,勿倚靠車門或通道門。
When people are standing, please hold the armrest on the backrest or door’s entrance. Do not lean against the door or train access door.