

  1. incidental exposure to counter-attitudinal political information,
  2. incidental exposure to pro-attitudinal political information,
  3. selective exposure to counter-attitudinal political information,
  4. selective exposure to pro-attitudinal political information


(2) 請問上述a、b、c、d四種模式會如何影響我們在社群媒體上分享政治訊息的意願?請


(3) 請援引理論來分析解釋當接觸與自我認知和態度不同的政治訊息時,我們會如何解決



請根據社會滲透理論(Social Penetration theory, Altman & Taylor, 1973)和虛擬互動理論(para Social interaction, Horton & Richard Wohl. 1956),具體說明這種關係的特徵、建立過程和對網友造成的影響為何?跟一般的人際互動相比有哪些重要區別?(15%)

三,現今:有越來越多的新媒體科技出現,例如智能機器人、虛擬實境、即時訊息等等?請問使用和滿足理論(Uses and Gratification Theory, Katz. Blumler, & Gurevitch, 1974)如何解釋人們採用這些科技的原因?這樣的解釋有哪些優點和局限性?你認為哪些理論可以彌補這個理論的不足,請具體說明理論的名稱和內容。(15%)

I • The widespread popularity of mobile devices and social media platforms allows consumers

to participate in newer forms of marketing communication. Selfie-marketing is one emergent type of such communication strategies, which aligns with millennials’ selfie taking and sharing culture.

  1. Why do millennials share selfies on visual content sharing apps? Please use theories to explain the phenomenon. (10%)
  2. As a marketer, do you develop different selfie-marketing strategies for ephemeral photo-sharing apps from permanent ones? Please provide theory-based explanations. (10%)


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