Portrait of Handsome muscle man wearing blue jeans
Portrait of Handsome muscle man wearing blue jeans

一、英譯中:(30 分)
Automobile accidents are as familiar as the common cold but far more deadly. Yet their cause and control remain a serious problem, difficult to solve. Experts have long recognized that this discouraging problem has multiple causes. At the very least, it is a “driver-vehicle-roadway” problem. If all drivers exercised good judgment at all times, there would be few accidents. Assuming that accidents are bound to occur, people want to know how cars can be built better to protect drivers and passengers.

二、中譯英:(30 分)

在今天這個世界上,推動人類進步的動力很少來自於單一的個人天賦。 在地下室孤獨工作的發明家,與孤立在象牙塔中的科學天才業已消失了。他們被在有空調的科技化建築物中,成群的專技研發人員所取代。 總而言之,在建造現代文明的過程中,團隊工作是個非常重要的因素。
Nowadays, the research and development tasks rarely rely on an individual’s telnet. Such as the inventor working alone in the basement or a lonely science genius working in an ivory tower. They are disappearing . Replaced by a professional research team located in a technological laboratory building. in conclusion. Teamwork is a very important factor in the progress of building modern civilization.

三、英文作文:請根據下面的說明寫一篇約 250~300 字的英文作文。 (40 分)

Do you agree or disagree with the following saying?“Honesty is the best policy.” Please write a short English essay of 250-300 words to support your answer with reasons and specific examples.

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