

高雄市警方逮到一名網路援交妹,不過令警方頗為吃驚的是,這名援交妹身高一百六十八、體重有七十五公斤,體形壯碩,十足是個恐龍妹。承辦警員好奇詢問她的網路援交經驗,這名恐龍妹回答倒也乾脆,「因為條件太差,十個月了,一件 case也沒成」°





台大畢業生竟也成毒販!女子何X澄自稱是北一女、台大政治系畢業的高材生,因家道中落,為錢只好當起酒店幹部,並開始批貨賣毒給酒店小姐和酒客助興,還以KUSO 的毒品咖啡包「十八章人小氣閃」、「真鍋」等包裝吸引顧客造成熱銷,月入至少30萬元。




此外,警方在偵訊過程中也發現何女是個女同志,她在 youtube 也 po了一部影片「生日禮物」,署名給「老婆」,部影片以王心凌的歌曲《陪我到以後》為背景音樂,何女自己填詞,用了近4分鐘向另一位女性表自情意。


You are in a graduate seminar, conducted in English, listening to your classmate Rhadika-an international student from India-giving a presentation. She has done some exploratory research on the reaction videos to the popular Taiwanese horror game, Detention. Rhadika is interested in learning more about trans-border or transnational digital and popular culture involving media and digital workers from Taiwan. She is a degree-seeking student like you and can speak and understand basic Mandarin. Write her a note in English and give her topical suggestions and any

information you think would be useful to her research.(25分)

四、請閱讀以下 Bohyeong Kim的期刊論文著作的幾段文字(斜體)並作答:

Kim, Bohyeong (2017). “Think Rich, Feel Hurt: The Critique of Capitalism and the Production of Affect in the Making of Financial Subjects in South Korea.” Cultural Studies Vol. 31, No. 5, 611-


Over the last two decades South Korea has witnessed the prevailing idea that finance can make people rich, especially in the rise of what is called “wealth-tech” [chaeteku]. This neologism, created in the late 1980s by combining the Korean word “chaemu” (money- or wealth-related affairs) with the English word “technology” (teku], refers to the techniques of personal finance and money-management carried out for the accumulation of wealth. Doing wealth-tech usually means engaging with financial investments such as investment in stocks, funds, real estates, and or other financial products (p. 612).

Against this backdrop and along with the rapid spread of the Internet, Korea has witnessed a sharp rise in online communities that focus on the subject of wealth-tech. My primary research site, the Ten in Ten Academy, is rooted in the largest of these wealth-tech online communities, Café Ten in Ten (p. 618).

The belief that finance can make you rich remains solid and even more strengthened by the complex and contradictory critique of capitalism. Wealth-tech is invoked as a means to bring about justice by correcting the ills of capitalism. It is framed as the only plausible way for weak people to legitimately claim their share of the national economy. The investor subject configured in the programme is both a collective being who resists foreign capital by engagement with investment as well as self-governing individual who realizes financial freedom independently (p.629).

(-) You are writing a paper in English. You want to use the idea from the above passages.

Which of the following is the proper way to use the author’s idea in exact words? (10 %)

  1. According to Bohyeong Kim’s study of South Korea’s personal finance programs and narratives, “[wealth-tech is invoked as a means to bring about justice by correcting the ills of capitalism” (Kim 2017, p.611).
  2. According to Bohyeong Kim’s study of South Korea’s personal finance programs and narratives, “[wealth-tech is invoked as a means to bring about justice by correcting the ills of capitalism” (2017, p.629).
  3. According to Bohyeong Kim’s study of South Korea’s personal finance programs and narratives, wealth-tech is invoked as a means to bring about justice by correcting the ills of capitalism.
  4. According to Bohyeong Kim’s study of South Korea’s personal finance programs and narratives, wealth-tech is invoked as a means to bring about justice by correcting the ills of capitalism (2017, p.629).

(=) Summarize Bohyeong Kim’s argument in Chinese in no more than 100 characters. (10 s))

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