一、中譯英:(25 分)
一般來說,有四大類因素會影響勞工身心健康,對勞工的職業安全及衛 生,造成危害,這四大類因素包含物理性、化學性、生物性及人因性。 但近年來,勞工在職場上也會遭受主管或同事利用職務或地位上的優 勢,給予不當之對待。這些不當對待包含肢體攻擊、言語侮辱、恐嚇、 威脅等霸凌或暴力事件,更會帶來精神或身體上的傷害,甚而危及性命。 對於受害之勞工而言,此類等不當行為不僅涉及個人的安全健康、人權問題,也涉及組織效率問題,進而影響國家整體經濟發展。由於涉及範圍極廣,已經引起相關單位的重視。
generally speaking, four kinds of situations will affect employees’ health. These factors cause harm to workers’ working safety and health. These factors include physical, chemical, biological and sociological issues.
Recently, employees were bullied by bosses or coworkers who have dominant positions. They treat new employees mean. These inappropriate treatments include physical attacks, verbal insults, intimidation, threats and other violent actions. These treatments cause harm to new employees’ health and mental health. Even make them die. From the point of view of victims, this inappropriate behaviour is not only a human rights issue but also effective for organizations. Furthermore, it will affect country governments and their economies. The government focuses on this issue because bullying causes too many problems.
二、英譯中:(25 分)
三、英文作文: (25 分)