
In a time of stark inequality and stalling economic growth, young people feel they are struggling to keep up. In recent years, a new discourse has taken hold in the society in China. Phrases like “involution” and “lying flat” have become shorthand for a sense that what is required to live an adequate life has become unattainable or unsustainable. High rates of youth unemployment and poor prospects for university graduates mean that competition for scarce jobs is extremely intense, with those who find work often exploited by employers safe in the knowledge that they can easily replace burned-out employees. The same means of wealth creation available to previous generations are no longer as accessible. These intergenerational dynamics entrench inequality and a pervasive sense of futility among the young.


In a time of stark(極度的) inequality(不平等) and stalling(失速的) economic growth, young people feel they are struggling(鬥爭) to keep up. In recent years, a new discourse has taken hold in the society in China. Phrases like “involution(內捲)” and “lying flat(躺平)” have become shorthand(速記) for a sense that what is required to live an adequate(過得去) life has become unattainable(無法實現的) or unsustainable(無法維持的). High rates of youth unemployment and poor prospects(前景) for university graduates mean that competition for scarce(不足的) jobs is extremely intense, with those who find work often exploited(利用) by employers safe in the knowledge that they can easily replace burned-out employees. The same means of wealth creation available to previous generations are no longer as accessible(容易得到). These intergenerational(世代) dynamics(動力) entrench(鞏固) inequality and a pervasive(瀰漫) sense of futility(毫無意義) among the young.





google ai翻譯加上我的修正:




  • “stark inequality”: 翻譯為「貧富差距懸殊」,強調了不平等的嚴重程度。
  • “stalling economic growth”: 翻譯為「經濟成長停滯」,表示經濟發展緩慢或停滯不前。
  • “involution”: 翻譯為「內卷」,這是中國網路流行語,指在總量不再增長的情況下,內部競爭不斷加劇的現象。
  • “lying flat”: 翻譯為「躺平」,也是中國網路流行語,指年輕人選擇放棄奮鬥,降低慾望,以最低限度的努力維持生活。
  • “shorthand”: 翻譯為「速記」,指一種簡潔的表達方式。
  • “unattainable or unsustainable”: 翻譯為「遙不可及或難以持續」,強調了年輕人對未來的悲觀情緒。
  • “scarce jobs”: 翻譯為「稀缺工作」,指工作機會很少。
  • “burned-out employees”: 翻譯為「精疲力竭的員工」,指因工作壓力過大而身心俱疲的員工。
  • “intergenerational dynamics”: 翻譯為「代際動態」,指不同世代之間的互動和影響。
  • “pervasive sense of futility”: 翻譯為「普遍的徒勞感」,指年輕人普遍感到無力改變現狀。



lots of people think younger people like hygge more than a challenge. Their salary is low but they often buy expensive decorations or go to luxury restaurants. Take leave every once in a while to travel abroad. From some people’s point of view, hygge represents people are shortsighted. They would rather spend money to be happy immediately than save money to buy a house or achieved long-term goals. Some people criticize hygge for making people have tunnel vision and are pleased with the status quo. Some people criticize hygge as an Anesthetic which gives you fake happiness. Therefore, they ignore the problems and dilemmas that took place.



Since the release of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, the automatic generation of applications by artificial intelligence has become sensational(引起轟動地), greatly changing many people’s perceptions of AI and even creating new modes of life and work. Write a short essay of 250-300 words to discuss (1) the potential benefits of AI-generated applications, and (2) the possible drawbacks of AI-generated applications.