I. 中文能力
- 語句修繕 (5%):請將下列句子修改成語法正確、自然的中文。
大的可能來讓嚴重性能夠達到最小化。 - 換句話說 (5%):請將下列句子重寫一次,盡量使用跟原句不同的用詞和語法。
俗話說:「滴水穿石」,只要努力不懈,再艱鉅的目標也終將達成。 - 邏輯預測 (5%):請完成下列句子的空格部分,內容及字數不限,但須符合語意邏輯。
他父親身體一向硬朗,沒想到 (1) ,真是 (2) 。
II. English Ability - Paraphrasing (5%): Rewrite the following sentence in English to express the same meaning or
information with different wording and structure.
We as a member of this world have our share of responsibility to protect the Mother Nature. - Logical predicting (5%): Finish the following sentence in a logical way by writing 5 to 10 words in
The event wouldn’t have been such a great success if __________________. - Summarizing (15%): Write a summary in English between 80 to 100 words to get the gist of the
following article. (It is strongly recommended not to copy the same sentences of the original texts.)
It all started with Queen Margaret of Scotland, who, in 1288, degreed that in a leap year a woman
could propose to any man, as long as he was single. Any man who declined such a proposal must pay a
fine, ranging from a kiss to a pair of gloves to a silk dress to £100.
The law was dropped years later, but the custom remains: February 29th is traditionally the day for
ladies to turn the table and propose to their partners. It’s the once-in-every-1461-days opportunity.
Consider for example the case of Joanne Mills: she was fed up with waiting over nine years for her
boyfriend, Michael Cordwell, to pop the question. So she took a tin of red paint to the place where he
worked, and painted a proposal across the side of his van. “I was very embarrassed – not because she
had asked me, but the way she did it was so unsubtle,” said Michael. He told her to get down on one
knee and ask the permission of his father. She did, and they tied the knot. (continued on next page)
But, according to a survey by a London-based cosmetics firm, couples should look before they leap.
Only 29% of men would say ‘yes’ if their girlfriend proposed to them on February 29th. One in three
women admit they are too nervous of being turned down, and more than half of them believe it is still a
job for the boys.
Whether the proposal should come from men or women, there is a large body of opinion which
believes that a proposal, particularly a romantic one, remains a vital ingredient in the recipe for a
successful marriage. What’s behind the idea is that people want commitment and to be seen together,
just like they are all for big dresses for the wedding.
Set against the romantic school is the modern school, which thinks that lengthy thought and
thorough consideration are more important. Not only the impulsive action of popping the question can
lead people to ill-fated marriage, but it is also a cheeky thing to do because one is under great pressure to
say yes. It is an invitation to be kicked in the face.
III. Translation Competence
- 英譯中 (30%):請將下列兩題英文譯成正確、通順、適當的中文。
(1) In a compensative gesture as a peace-maker, the U.N. ground forces were looking for signs of
surviving civilians in the rubble before ambushed by heavily-armed local rebels at early dawn. (10%)
(2) Cosmetic surgery has become a booming, $10.1 billion business each year in the United States.
Women, accounting for 91% of cosmetic patients domestically, are electing to make some quick
fixes more than ever. Moreover, now it’s not just a nip and tuck for older women to appear younger
and fresher: Greater numbers of younger women are now going under the knife. Cosmetic
procedures are up 4% for women in their 30s, and 30% of all liposuction recipients are aged between
19 and 34. This may indicate a new wave of perfection-seekers, as normal-weight women trim an
inch of unwanted fat from their thighs or ditch their miracle bras for larger boobs—now the most
popular invasive procedure. (20%) - Chinese-to-English Translation (30%): Translate the following Chinese texts into English in a correct,
fluent and adequate way.
(1) 經過 4 個月連續攀升、並於 10 月創下史上最高紀錄後,台灣 11 月的失業率終於微幅
下降為 6.04%,但和鄰近的日韓星港相比,仍是最高。(10%)
After 4 months of consecutive increases, they set the highest record in October. Taiwan’s November unemployment rate decreased to 6.04%. Compare to Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Taiwan has the highest unemployment rate.
(2) 「擴增實境」的起源可以追溯至 1990 年代,經過 20 多年的發展,演變成今日一般熟
知的手機應用型態,尤其是寶可夢遊戲的抓寶熱讓它在 2016 年一夕爆紅。可惜的是,
“Augmented reality” can be traced back to the 1990s, after 20 years. “Augmented reality” turn into a well-known smartphone function. “Augmented reality” has gone viral since Pokemon go was released in 2016. Unfortunately, most companies followed suit. They only use augmented reality in game development. People rarely think about applying augmented reality in other fields. But in India, a start-up company improve the efficiency of warehousing through augmented reality technology. It saves money and time significantly.