1. 請將以下論文摘要(包含標題)翻譯成中文。(50%)
The Rise of Crowd Logistics: A New Way to Co-Create Logistics Value
Crowd logistics is a novel way of providing logistics services that taps into the dormant logistics resources and the individual capabilities, using mobile applications and web-based platforms. Although crowd logistics has been widely discussed in the business world, it has not yet been the subject of any academic publication. Following an exploratory case study approach, we review the websites of 57 crowd logistics initiatives around the world and highlight the main distinctive characteristics of crowd logistics, as compared to traditional business logistics. We introduce a segmented analysis in which crowd logistics solutions are classified according to four types of service offered. Finally, we propose six theoretical propositions on the future development of crowd logistics.


2. 請將以下短文翻譯成英文。(50%)
傳統的公共運輸由於在旅次起點到迄點間經常面臨需要轉乘、等候、購票等等阻礙,也可能因為路網普及率不足的問題,而無法抵達目的地,相較於私人運具之可及性與便利性,無法產生足夠有效的吸引力,而逐漸流失其乘客。在物聯網、共享經濟及行動通訊與裝置普及的今日,創新性的服務例如Mobility as a Service(MaaS)及On-demand mobility已成為交通運輸發展趨勢,期望藉由個人化整合運輸服務模式,以降低私人車輛之持有及使用。