一、英譯中:請將下面這段英文譯成正確、流暢的中文。(20 分) In contemporary society, the relentless pace of life and growing preoccupation with material aspirations and individual objectives have led many to overlook the essence of gratitude. The efforts and kindness of others are frequently taken as givens, with expressions of appreciation or reciprocation becoming increasingly scarce. This shift has strained bonds with family and friends, and even the profound sense of indebtedness owed to one’s parents can sometimes be disregarded. Technology’s convenience has further fostered detachment, often replacing deep, face-to-face interactions with more superficial exchanges. Consequently, a culture of indifference and self-centeredness has taken root, normalizing ungrateful behavior and inviting a deeper contemplation of these evolving social dynamics.

二、中譯英:請將下面這段中文譯成正確、流暢的英文。(20 分)

自駕載客服務在廣泛投入應用之前仍面臨多項尚待解決的挑戰。首先, 安全性至關重要:自動駕駛系統必須能應對人類行為的不可預測性以及複雜的城市環境,而這些都難以準確建模。此外,技術問題,例如惡劣 天氣對感測器精度的影響,也為穩定運行帶來挑戰。倫理與監管問題, 如事故責任的歸屬和乘客的數據隱私,也需重視。再者,許多城市的基礎設施尚未準備好支持自動駕駛車隊。解決這些問題對於安全且有效地推廣無人自駕載客服務至關重要。

There are still many challenges to be overcome before Autonomous driving services are adopted. First, safety is the most important thing. Autonomous driving systems must deal with human unpredictable behaviour and complex city landscapes. These are all difficult to train AI models accurately. Otherwise, technical issues such as the impact of weather on sensor accuracy challenge to autonomous driving service’s stable operation. Third, when a car accident happens, who will take responsibility for the duty? We also need to pay attention to passengers’ data privacy. Fourth, the city’s infrastructure is not ready for an Autonomous driving fleet. Resolving these problems safely and efficiently is very important for promoting an autonomous driving system.




三、應用文撰寫:請根據下面的說明寫一封英文信。(20 分) 我國吸食毒品人口逐年增加,再犯率也長期居高不下,更令人擔心的是, 根據國家衛生研究院調查,學校本應該是最單純、最讓家長放心的環境, 但事實上毒品問題早已深入校園,請針對此現象寫一封投書媒體的英文信,內含兩段,第一段說明處理此問題的迫切性,第二段提出你認為最有效率的解決之道。

四、英文作文:請根據下面說明寫一篇約 300 字的英文作文。(40 分) It has been argued that social media influencers play a dominant role in shaping youth culture. Do you agree or disagree? Write an essay of approximately 300 words to support your answer with examples