
Read the two paragraphs and answer the following questions:

Google isn’t designed to be liberal or conservative, but it is designed to be data-driven. It has an epistemology that assumes that the knowledge is within the data. And it is designed with the assumption that people will click through to that data, that content, not simply read the headlines.

This is a fallacy that we struggle with in general. Those in the field of journalism know there’s a constant struggle over what headlines do. Are headlines trying to get people in to read, or do they do the work on their own? How is your worldview shaped through a collection of headlines written by editors who each stretch the story in order to drive clicks if people don’t actually click?

And it’s not just that people only read the headlines, it’s also that people follow the world through the notifications they receive on their phone, pushed from Twitter or Facebook. You’re not just interacting with misinformation through content. You’re dealing with it through all the surrounding information. And that’s what manipulators know how to exploit.

The cultural wars we’re facing are rooted in the fragmentation of truth. In other words, the differences between how people build knowledge about the world are fracturing the very social fabric of our country. This is happening along countless dimensions, although it’s most visible through our political debates and our access to information. But let me explain this in the context of news. It’s easy to say that people who watch Fox and people who watch CNN see the world differently. What’s more concerning is that they are increasingly less likely to know each other.

Equally troubling is that the structures that used to bridge those sources of news have disappeared.

  1. 以上兩段英文引用自美國學者 Danah boyd 的演講,請用中文摘要說明重點為何?(25分)
  2. 根據以上英文段落,你如何反思最近2020總統/立委大選與相關性的媒體網路戰與現象。請用英文寫下一個你觀察的議題與感想,注意勿超過100個英文字(25分)


一、近來當紅的脫口秀節目《博恩夜夜秀》先前邀請總統候選人蔡英文、宋楚瑜、韓國瑜上節目,節目播出後,引發各界關注與熱議,請提出您的相關看法並建議主持人博恩,若從頭再來,該如何主持這三場訪談節目?(配分為蔡英文部分17分、韓國瑜部分17分 宋楚瑜部分16分

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