Ⅰ. Translation (50% ; 5% for each question)

Even people who have never written a poem know how difficult it is to find
a rhyme or to invent a metaphor.

What exactly is globalization? Simply put, globalization is the process of
changing to an integrated world from an isolated one.

Today, more than 19 million people have been forced to flee their home
countries because of war, persecution, and oppression.

Due to emergence of virtualization as an efficient method for sharing the
resources, cloud computing gained popularity over the last few years.

A Michigan State University survey recently revealed American attitudes on
food safety. Telephone interviews were conducted with over 1,000 adults in
the U.S.

探的權利。privacy is a right which protected person from interrupting and avoid to reveal information to the public. It also helps a person prevent from spying.

長久以來,地震帶來的威脅,就如同夏天午後的雷陣雨般威力強大,且令人走避不及。For a long time, earthquakes as powerful as thunderstorms in summer afternoons and people are hard to escape.

購買書籍時,訣竅在於不要一次大量購買,盡可能一次只買一本書,而且從購買當天就開始閱讀。When you buy books, the tip is don’t buy too many books at one time. Buy one book in one time as possible and you’ll read it immediately since you buy it.

那段路晚上很暗,當晚正好下大雨,我妹吃完飯,剛過完路口就遇到搶匪,對方亮出刀子,搶走她的皮包。That road is dark at night.it’s raining. My younger sister had eaten dinner. When she crossed the street, the robber saw him. The robber showed her a knife and took her purse away.

「破窗效應」告訴我們一個道理:任何一種不良現象的存在,都會向外界傳遞訊息,導致這種現象的惡化與擴展。The broken window effect says that any bad social phenomena will send a message to society. The situation will cause the phenomenon of deterioration and diffusion.

Ⅱ. Essay writing (50%)
Back in the 2017, the Taipei government announced that, as the coming of the
digital era, every classroom would be equipped with the Internet; also, every
student would be provided an iPad to facilitate learning. Nevertheless, not
everyone embraces the idea of utilizing technologies in classrooms. From the
perspectives and theories of teaching and learning, what are some possible
influences this policy might bring to elementary school English classrooms?
What are some possible actions we should initiate as school administrators and
classroom teachers?