Ⅰ. Translation (50%; 5% for each question)
- To measure is to compare. Nonetheless, only those numbers that contain
an element on which to base comparison are susceptible to measurement. - A man must subordinate his spirit to an ambition that leads him to a fixed
goal so that he can overcome the obstacles that life places in his path. - The tale-teller’s gesture was so dramatic, his voice so eloquent, his face
so expressive that at times it seemed that he had actually experienced the
adventures that he invented - The system with a base of 10, the decimal system, has been universally
adopted. From a nomad who counts on his fingers to the mathematician
with his calculators, all count in tens. - A collection of facts is as far from forming a body of knowledge as a
mirage in the desert is from being a real oasis.
- 法語,義大利語,西班牙語和葡萄牙語原本是拉丁語在歐洲不同的地區使用,後來發展成獨立的語言。French, Italian, and Portuguese were derived from Latin. but different countries use it. Therefore, Latin developed into different languages in different area.

- 我們將純水形容為「晶瑩剔透」。但實際上,大多數固體材料是由不透明的晶體組成。We describe water as pure and shiny. In fact, most of solid materials are made by transparent crystals.

- 農曆新年期間,家家戶戶都在大門貼上春聯,祈求來年平安幸福。During the Chinese New Year, all family put spring couplets on their door to be blessed. They hope they will be safe and lucky this year.

- 植物從陽光中獲得能量,也需要其他的東西,例如空氣中的二氧化碳,地下的水和礦物質。Plants get energy from sunlight, but they also need other nutrients. Like carbon dioxide, underground water and minerals.