二、中譯英:請將下列中文譯成英文。(30 分)

(1)新的媒體不斷出現;個別媒體,如廣播或是報紙,面臨讀者 或是聽眾大量流失以及廣告市場被稀釋,經營日漸困難。


New mediums were invented continuously. Independent media such as radio or newspapers have some problems. They lost their audience and advertising revenue in the market. It’s harder to run the business than before.


(2)眾所矚目的哈利波特系列小說第 7 集完結篇《哈利波特與致命聖物》(Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows)英文版 21 日上市。哈利波特系列小說自 1997 年問世以來, 被翻成 63 種語言,全球銷量破 3 億本,第 7 集全球大賣,熱度可期。

A highly anticipated book Harry Potter’s final episode Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows published in the 21st. Since the Harry Potter series was published in 1997. It has been translated into 63 languages. It sold for 30 million across the globe. The seventh book is a best-selling book in most countries. Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows become a global phenomenon.