(一)由於一家糖廠非法傾倒工業廢物,導致巴西一條主要河流沿岸大量魚 類死亡。根據初步分析,由於這家工廠不定期排放廢水,河裡有 10 至 20 噸魚死亡。這事件對環境造成重大影響。

Lots of fish died in a Brazilian river because a sugar factory dumped industrial wastewater. According to experts’ analysis, this factory dumps wastewater irregularly. More than 10 to 20 tons of fish die. This event causes harm to the environment.


(二)世界各地的社區都依賴漁業維持生計,並將其作為食物和營養的重要 來源。全球超過三分之一的人口依賴海鮮獲取蛋白質,有 3,800 萬人 從事野生捕撈漁業。然而,過度捕撈和不受管制的捕撈活動正在危害 我們的海洋。

worldwide, many communities need fishery for a living. They also look upon seafood as food and a source of nutrition. More than one-third of the world’s population gets protein from the ocean. More than 38 million people work in fishery. However, overfishing and unregulated fishing activities are harming our oceans.