國立彰化師範大學 100 學年度碩士班招生考試試題 翻譯

I. 中譯英(50%)
根據聯合國統計,過去一年國際糧價平均上漲 25%,其中玉米漲了 52%、
小麥上漲 49%、大豆漲了 28%。1 月中在德國柏林集會的 48 國農業部長警告

Since the second half, some crop export countries like china, America, Russia, Australia and Argentina have faced floods and droughts because of climate change. This situation leads to food supplements decrease. Furthermore, some factors like stopping export, people storing food, US dollar depreciation, and market speculation action. These factors make the corp price higher and higher.

According to United Nations statistical survey, International food prices have risen by an average of 25% over the past year. Corn prices have risen by an average of 52% .wheat prices have risen by an average of 49%. Soybean prices have risen by an average of 28%. In the Berlin Agriculture seminar, 48 Agriculture ministers were alarmed that a food price risen will cause a Turbulent and Riot. Food is related to living. Undeveloped countries suffer a lot. Developed countries can not ignore this problem.
In Taiwan, Due to the food being imported from other countries during these ten years. Face with the food price rising intensely since last years. Flour, oil, and livestock-related businesses should brace for the problems. food self-sufficiency is a big issue for society.

II. 中譯英(50%)

(From Blank Slate by Steven Pinker)

In 20 century, Blank slate was a very important point of view. This point of view tells us that human thought is like a blank slate. The blank slate is affected by society, culture, education and experience. According to the research of human psychology, this theory has some problems. If you read some Anthropology books. You’ll find most civilisations has some similar things. In other words, most civilisations have the same behaviour and emotions. They use the same way to explain how everything works. These things appear in 6000 civilisations around the world.

每天我們都在做決定;我們都想知道何謂做正確的事情,而其領域涵蓋了從金融到職業甚至情感皆是如此。如果真的有人能告訴我們如何在所有可能的時刻當中做出正確的事情,那可是一份非凡的才能。事實上早在 1783 年,一位傑出的荷蘭學者Daniel Bernoulli 就為世人提供了這項才能的解答,他認為我們所有行為的預期值,也就是我們所期望能得到的成果好處,為以下兩件簡單事物的乘積;即是,在當下判斷該行為能使我們獲益的機率,以及該行為從中獲益後所帶給我們的價值。
(From Mistaken Expectations by Dan Gilbert)

Every day, we are making decisions. We want to know how to do things right. This situation includes the economy, work and relations as well. If someone can tell us how to make the correct decision, he would have an excellent talent. In fact, there is a Netherlands scholar called Daniel Bernouli provided the answer to what this kind of talent is in 1783. He gave us a math formula. The formula is the chance of success is multiplied by the value of success equal to what benefits we expect. If we count these two easy things together, we will find the answer to life.